
Guardian Angels

This program is designed for our many volunteers who mentor the orphans and youth.

Volunteers, especially those working with orphans, go through a scheduled program to ensure they understand and appreciate their role in assisting the orphans in their life journey.

Most important in this program is learning the dynamics of supporting a grieving child. With the loss of a parent, the child not only loses the comfort of parental support, but everything parents stand for: love, protection, and security. Guardian angels help orphaned children to cope with their loss and to move forward with life.

The curriculum includes some aspects of social work, counseling, management of everyday life activities, school, homework, and spiritual life.

Your support in helping us to train Guardian Angels will go along way in the care of the orphaned children. Guardian Angels visit children to offer support in their home and other kinds of provisions.

Feeding Program

The children who come to us have many needs. As always, hunger is the number one problem.

Our feeding program started with just one child who approached Sr. Mary Wandia and begged not for food but for education. However, it was obvious that first things had to be done first.

He was hungry and wore dirty and torn clothes. After he was fed and given new clothes to wear, this boy was put in a school where he is still continuing with his education and performing exceptionally well.

Today, he is a very happy boy looking into his future with confidence and hope. After him, four others came and today we have more than 150 children in our feeding program in Kenya. They range from 1-22 years of age.

In Tanzania our feeding program has over 50 children.
 In both Kenya and Tanzania Support the Poor, Inc. provides children with food, clothing, school supplies, uniform, and mentoring. This program requires a lot of listening and compassion. It gives hope and assurance to the orphaned children that all will be well, in spite of the prevailing circumstances. We work with local churches and community leaders.


To encourage youth who for various reasons dropped out of school, Support the Poor, Inc. established the Kenya Institute of Excellent Performance (KIEP), as a Vocational
Institution to offer computer skills to the youth in Kenya. Using old computers, eight students enrolled and have already graduated from this Institution. It was a joyous moment to see these kids receive their certificates upon completion of their certificate program. We hope many more will continue to benefit from this program. We also hope to expand the program to offer more courses beyond certificate level.

Can you help?

To put the children on the right path, we urgently need the following programs:

  • Counseling
  • Shelter
  • Medical Care
  • Early Childhood Education

Any donation is highly appreciated. Thank you!